Powerful driver manager for windows
DriverMax quickly and effortlessly resets all operating system drivers; it scans installed packages and drivers, displays information in list format about them all; you can learn which devices use each driver; its version number; date of creation, developer, number of files with digital signature available and any details regarding digital signature availability are all displayed to you as you learn more about each one.
All drivers can be exported into a special folder or unzipped from an archive for easy installation after another OS reinstallation, using DriverMax you no longer require multiple CDs with drivers – simply download free from our website!
DriverMax automatically locates all installed drivers on your system and offers you the capability to save them into an archive for use during an unexpected system reinstallation. User friendly, DriverMax makes this task quick and painless as necessary; unpacking/installing of required drivers becomes second nature quickly if need be; remember, though that when unarchiving, only these specific devices’ archived drivers will reappear – not any multimedia applications tied to those devices!
DriverMax features an extremely user-friendly and ergonomic program interface, making it effortless even for novice users to manage and operate. Reinstalling all driver packages required to run efficiently on PC quickly with DriverMax will not prove difficult either; its freeware status requires registration within 30 days for continued usage, however.
Additional Information
- Developer: Innovative Solutions
- License:Â Freeware
- Age Restrictions:Â 0+
- Category: Drivers
- Compatibility:Â Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP